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Puerto Rico’s Botched Disaster Relief, Unsustainable Debt, and Economic Failure Linked to its Colonial Status PDF Imprimir Correo
Escrito por Mark Weisbrot   
Jueves, 06 de Junio de 2019 11:36

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Here is a scandal: Puerto Rico has a Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB), created by the US Congress and appointed by the president of the United States, in charge of its finances. Its budget, financed by Puerto Rico’s taxpayers, is $1.5 billion over five years, or $300 million a year.

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Wilma Reverón at the Special Committee on Decolonization: Caribbean Regional Seminar PDF Imprimir Correo
Domingo, 05 de Mayo de 2019 16:27
WILMA REVERÓN-COLLAZO, expert, urged participants to recall the situation that led to the Declaration on decolonization through resolution 1514 (XV). The fundamental principle is self-determination, as stated in paragraph 5, she said. Decolonization requires in-depth education to change the minds of the Territories’ peoples and the administering Powers.  Noting the important role played by the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and the Department of Global Communications, she said the work of the United Nations must be publicized through all available means, including radio, video, print and social media. She emphasized that she has never seen the United Nations carry out education programmes on the right to self-determination in Puerto Rico.

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LatinoJustice PRLDEF Statement on Decolonization of Puerto Rico 18 June 2018 PDF Imprimir Correo
Escrito por LatinoJustice PRLDEF   
Domingo, 22 de Julio de 2018 02:33


Forty-six years ago, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, known now as LatinoJustice PRLDEF, was born to address systemic discrimination, neglect and abuse of Puerto Ricans by government and private sector actors. The organization’s civil rights legacy was built upon the collective outrage that our community experienced as it was robbed of its political voice and social and economic capital. Today that outrage is manifested anew in response to the on-going economic crisis that Puerto Rico has been experiencing for the past several years and in the political crisis that it has faced for 120 years as a territorial possession of the United States.


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June 2018 Brief summary on the present situation of Puerto Rico PDF Imprimir Correo
Escrito por Aurora Muriente Pastrana | MINH   
Lunes, 18 de Junio de 2018 06:47


An economic crisis and recession have been affecting Puerto Rico since 2006, however, after the devastating hurricanes Irma and Maria in September of 2017, social deterioration due to the lack of sovereign power to address our recuperation and development have further aggravated the situation of our country.

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Nicaragua, The Post-Modern Version of the Nazi Propaganda Recipe PDF Imprimir Correo
Escrito por Carlos Fonseca Terán   
Lunes, 07 de Mayo de 2018 14:05


Some absurd stories or simply fakes have been presented in the media and social networks as absolute truths regarding the recent events in Nicaragua.

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